Smells of Time

In you comes -

in your sad seven year old

ironic tracksuit

and pair of box fresh.

In you comes -

looking for deals

on the board

behind the counter

which we knows

show best same day

as last time, last week, last month.

In you comes -

doing quick sums

and ordering a dozen shots

with your release money

which you quickly shares out

to punters who isn't interested.

In you comes -

barely missed

and completely blitzed

just another forgotten


In you comes -

a madman bent by routine;

a madman twisted by addiction;

a madman caught in the to and fro

of the outside which has turned its back

and good riddance.

In you comes - 

a madman smelling of time.

From City Trilogy ( Part 1 ), 2020

Steve Coel

c. Liar - Maisy Gordon, Collage: An 11.59 Publication