Meic Agored: February, 2025

Steve Coel

Smells of Time

In you comes

in your sad seven year old ironic tracksuit and pair of box fresh

in you comes

looking for deals on the board behind the counter

in you comes

doing quick sums and ordering a dozen shots with your release money which you quickly shares out to punters who aren't interested
in you comes

barely missed and completely blitzed, just another forgotten madman hero

in you comes

a hero bent by routine

a hero twisted by addiction

a hero caught in the to and fro of time outside which has turned its back and good riddance

in you comes

smelling of time.

Steve Coel

Half Stolen Buildings

In her regulation daytime armour 
that still cracks 
with broken promises and yesterdays 
coarse park bench whisper, 
the young girl pushes her 
vape shadowed baby carrier 
past boarded window and 
gummed railing.

Her world is the High Street 
where each day a bitter grey tide 
shambles downhill 
towards abandoned blue churches 
and disappearing city light.

And it is here her plastic shoes
will slap into one off needles, 
and it is where, even on dry days
the pavement is wet.

Steve Coel

* * *

I often write quickly so as not to lose the spark of an idea...

Aside: Painting in the studio I am also initially quite spontaneous, because I am in most cases, confident both with what I'm doing and with the materials available I am using. I also like taking photographs of the images I make at all stages, because sometimes impressive/important early stage work can get hidden behind overpainting, scraping back and so on..
Steve Coel