Hanging on to the Bruised Fence (1999)

Documentary Fiction Photography - Steve Coel


Out of the system and pressed inside a ball, you are, thrown against an uneven bridge of lies, this is, much more than fantasy, as, triggered by piano mesh, it hurts you a lot. Almost like the first time your eyes speak for reason as you let alcohol fall to the ground and disappear into pockets of concrete.

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A stick tip tapping down the platform...sympathy and shock...the crowd parting to a bleak groan from a grown man. Across the way park fires are cracking an evil flicker and sidewalks glisten perspiring after another days heavy abuse.

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Drunken shoes and ghosts dormant in a world gone crazy and nightlife shovelled gleefully into demanding hands and gypsy souls drinking thimbles of wine and scuffles down the street.

Steve Coel

A series of Experimental Music+Word performances over a period of about 18 months or so, difficult to repeat even now. Still they happened and that is a good thing. This is a very short extract of a much longer Experimental Narrative. A bit out of my comfort zone, but again that too is a good thing. Steve Coel